Sanger/Obama Connection

“One of the most evil and despicable persons on the planet was Margaret Sanger, the American eugenicist (1879-1966).  She of course is the founder of Planned obama-planned-parenthood-margaret-sangerParenthood International, the world’s largest provider of abortion.  While she may not be a household name, she certainly should be.

“The horrors of eugenics, so prominently on display during the reign of the Nazis and the Holocaust, was in large measure undergirded and supported by the writings of Margaret Sanger.  And her evil work and ideology is still being fully carried out by Planned Parenthood today, and by baby killers like Kermit Gosnell.”  Bill Muehlenberg, Culture Watch, April 26, 2013

“Margaret Sanger was especially mesmerized by the scientific racism of Malthusian Eugenics.  Part of the attraction for her was surely personal:  her mentor and lover, Havelock Ellis, was the beloved disciple of Francis Galton, the brilliant cousin of Charles Darwin who first systemized and popularized Eugenic thought.

“Part of the attraction for her was also political:  virtually all of her Socialist friends, lovers, and comrades were committed Eugenicists as well–from the followers of Lenin in Revolutionary Socialism, like H.G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, and Julius Hammer, to the followers of Hitler in National Socialism, like Ernest Rudin, Leon Whitney, and Harry Laughlin.

“But it wasn’t simply sentiment or politics that drew Margaret into the Eugenic fold.  She was thoroughly convinced that the ‘inferior races’ were in fact ‘human weeds’ and a ‘menace to civilization.’

“She yearned for the end of the Christian ‘reign of benevolence’ that the Eugenic Socialists promised, when the ‘choking human undergrowth’ of ‘morons and imbeciles’ would be ‘segregated’ and ‘sterilized.’  Her goal was ‘to create a race of thoroughbreds’ by encouraging ‘more children from the fit, and less from the unfit.’”  George Grant, Grand Illusions: The Legacy of Planned Parenthood, p. 94, 95

Sanger, Obama and Evil

Bill Muehlenberg Culture Watch, April 24, 2013

One of the most evil and despicable persons on the planet was Margaret Sanger, the American eugenicist (1879-1966). She of course is the founder of Planned Parenthood International, the world’s largest provider of abortion. While she may not be a household name, she certainly should be.

You see, the leader of the free world and President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, is one of the greatest fans of PP and by extension, Margaret Sanger. Indeed, the grizzly and barbaric details of what baby killer and infanticide advocate Kermit Gosnell has been up to fit in perfectly here.

The horrors of eugenics, so prominently on display during the reign of the Nazis and the Holocaust, was in large measure undergirded and supported by the writings of Margaret Sanger. And her evil work and ideology is still being fully carried out by PP today, and by baby killers like Gosnell.

And by fully supportive Presidents like Obama. Obama himself of course has been 100 per cent in support of abortion and even infanticide. Consider his past track record on this issue. He has opposed banning partial-birth abortions and he has opposed an Illinois bill recognizing the human rights of babies who have been ‘born alive’ after botched abortions.

And this is not the first time he has spoken at a PP dinner. He is a proud supporter of these mass baby-killers, and will once again be giving it his full approval later this week. Here is how one news report covers this: “Amid new concerns about the brutality of illegal forms of abortions, President Obama plans to deliver the keynote address at Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s annual fundraising dinner Thursday.

“The theme of the dinner, to be held in Washington, is a ‘Time for Care,’ organizers announced. Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards said Mr. Obama has done more than any president in history for women’s health and rights so she is delighted to have him help promote the gala dinner with his presence.”

Wait, stop right there. Did you just read that? “Time for Care”? In what must be one of the most appalling cases of Orwellian Double Speak, these baby butchers are actually talking about care? I can just see Hitler and the Nazis holding an annual dinner, with the proud slogan, “Time for Care”. It would be just as appropriate for the Nazis to fling that phrase around as it would be for PP.

As former PP worker Abby Johnson has just written, “I just recently found out that Obama will keynote Planned Parenthood’s annual gala this year. It was at this event 4 years ago that I was given Planned Parenthood’s ‘Employee of the Year Award.’ I watched as Hillary Clinton received their ‘Margaret Sanger Award’…you know the woman who said her goal was ‘exterminate’ African-Americans. Anyway, now this year, they will give out the same award with our AFRICAN-AMERICAN President in attendance. And he will clap and be so proud of the work that Planned Parenthood boasts about.”

Abby of course now is a tireless pro-life campaigner. I discuss her amazing story

But since most readers know hardly anything about Sanger, let me simply offer a few quotes from her. They are fully representative of her work and beliefs, and are diabolical in the extreme:

“The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”

“The handicapped, including the blind, deaf, dumb, mute and epileptics, are the dead weight of human waste.”

“I cannot refrain from saying that women must come to recognize there is some function of womanhood other than being a child-bearing machine.”

“[Woman’s] instincts are fundamentally creative, not destructive. But her sex-bondage has made her the dumb instrument of the monster she detests. For centuries she has populated the earth in ignorance and without restraint, in vast numbers and with staggering rapidity. She has become not the mother of a nobler race, but a mere breeding machine grinding out a humanity which fills insane asylums, almshouses and sweat shops, and provides cannon fodder that tyrants may rise to power on the sacrifice of her offspring.”

“Women of the working class, especially wage workers, should not have more than two children at most. The average working man can support no more and the average working woman can take care of no more in decent fashion.”

And consider a few other choice quotes from the magazine she edited, the Birth Control Review:

“Our civilization at present has neither the courage to kill them [children] outright quickly, cleanly and painlessly, nor the heart and courage and ability to give them what they need.”

“If there is no ideal method of birth control, then there ought to be. The eugenist, the sociologist, the hospital and charity worker, the penologist, the specialist in tuberculosis, epilepsy, bone deformities, heart and kidney diseases, not only has the right but it is his duty to demand: ‘Tell us, and at once, what we can do to prevent the multiplication of the imbecile, the epileptic, the consumptive, the host of mental, moral and physical defectives and perverts who are increasing so much more rapidly than the more normal members of the community’.”

“Instead of calling birth control among the poor and deficient a crime, it should be preached to them as a sacred duty. The laws must be changed.”

“When birth control is fully understood, we will have a finer and more perfect race.”

Hmmm, where did we hear all that before? Oh yeah, the Nazis again. Sanger, Gosnell, Obama – they are all birds of a feather. They are all tarred with the same diabolical brush of baby killing and hatred of life. Remarking on the Gosnell trial, Lila Rose of Live Action commented, “These accounts by former clinic staff have shell-shocked the nation, and it is incumbent upon the president to reconsider his support for the abortion industry and Planned Parenthood, which last year profited from abortion $87 million committing over 300,000 abortions.”

Exactly right. But instead he will roll up and give them his full approval. In Proverbs 6:16-17 we are told that the Lord hates the shedding of innocent blood. Obama will not be held guiltless here. Nor will Gosnell, nor Sanger, nor PP.

Nor will all those deceived Christians who actually voted for this man, even twice: the most pro-death US President ever.

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